Search Panel
The mobile version is a little bit simpler than the desktop version.
- Type the name you are looking for into the text window. The Brennan will search as you type.
- The Filter buttons determine whether you see Artists, Albums, Tracks or Youtubes in the results.
- You can scroll the results.
- The Play button next to each result will start playing that item.
- There is an icon to show if the result is an artist, album, track or Youtube. The icon will be a different colour if the music is on an external USB memory/hard disk.
- If you tap on an artist, album or track the web UI will switch to the corresponding artist or album panel
- The original (desktop) version has icons instead of text in the filter bar and has two extra functions.
- The alpha sort button puts the results in alphabetical order. When this is clear the order is the order you loaded the music.
- The playlist filter restricts the search to the current playlist. This could be useful if you put all your Classical music in one Playlist or if different family members put their music in different playlists.
- If you type "podcast" into the search window you will get a popup that allows you to enter a URL of an internet radio station and play it directly.